Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Day of School Jitters.

Who is or was more nervous about the first day of school, you or your child(ren)?

Cameron will be starting Kindergarten in just 2 weeks! He seems so calm about it yet I'm over here freaking. How is he going to be in school? Is he going to behave? Is he going to get on the right bus? Will he miss his bus stop? All of those questions, plus more have been running through my head recently.

I realize that I'm going to be going through separation anxiety. :( Cameron will be in school for 7 hours, that's 7 hours of me worrying how he is doing. Not to mention his school is 30 minutes from where we live and he has to take a 45 minute bus ride to school & home.. I know, I know I'm becoming a basket case but when it's your first child going off to school for the first time you pretty much worry about every little thing.

His Kindergarten open house is next week, what questions or concerns would you ask the teacher, if any? How do you make your child feel comfortable about going on a bus full of strangers for the first time?

Please tell me your first experiences, even if its a second or third. Let me know how you dealt with all of these emotions.

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