Wednesday, September 11, 2013

12 years later..

Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day? - Alan Jackson

That one lyric probably runs through your head atleast once on this day. September 11th.
I will never forget where I was. Bayonet Point Middle School, I had just left my first period class, got to my second period which was math & I saw my first period teacher come in and whisper to our teacher to turn on the news. He turned on the TV & I just remember the classroom was silent, you could hear a pin drop. We all sat and watch the first tower engulfed in smoke and news crews explaining what was going on. Was it a mistake? Was a plane hijacked? No one knew at first. We got dismissed early that day, so we went home and watched it on TV.

I'm a New Yorker at heart, born and raised in Staten Island. I miss living there and miss being only a bridge away from the city. If we could afford to live there or near there it would be an option for sure.  Growing up my sister and I were in commercials and extras in movies, so we were always in the city or in one of the boroughs. (No one ever believes us but we have proof lol). So I knew what the twin towers were, not many who aren't from New York did know what they were. One of my moms jobs when she was starting out was at a bank in the World Trade Center, but because it was somewhere near the 90th floor and she didn't like heights, she decided to quit (thank god). 

One of my moms good friends from the post office on Staten Island actually lost her son on that day. He worked in one of the WTC and believe it was on a level where one of the planes hit so he was trapped. His wife was pregnant with her third child at the time and due around that time, when my mom told me that story I got goosebumps and still do. I can't imagine losing a loved one to something so heinous. One of my dads friend Greg worked in the WTC also, but was late to work that day.. Talk about being lucky. And then one of my grandparents neighbors who we pretty much grew up with, his father worked a few blocks over from the WTC, he sent me a picture of the tower engulfed in the smoke.. To this day I can't find that picture. 

My thoughts & prayers go out to all the families who lost someone on that day. One day we'll be able to visit ground zero & view the beautiful fountain that was built in memory of all the firefighters, police officers, workers, pilots, flight attendants, & people aboard the plane who lost their lives. Not only should we remember the WTC, but we also need to remember all the people who lost lives at the pentagon & the flight that was taken over in PA. We also need to remember all the lives lost in this war since the attacks happened. Take a minute to thank our soldiers for what they do and take a minute today to have a moment of silence, maybe light a candle for dinner and say a pray. All the families today need our country's love & support.

Thank you to my husband, his friends, & other soldiers who risk their lives everyday.

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