Monday, September 9, 2013

Busy, is not the Word.

Sorry guys! It's been a little over a week since my last post, why is that? I've added some new things onto my motherly duties: packing school lunches, making sure my son has everything for school, & dropping & picking him up from the bus stop. I'm sure there's more, but these last few weeks I'm beyond exhausted!

My days start at 6:45 am, that may not seem early to you, but it is for me. Before my son started school we (the boys & I) would sleep in to atleast 8:30 am. Cameron has to be at his bus stop by 7:49 am. That gives me enough time to wake up all three boys, dress them, change the baby's diaper, feed them breakfast, brush their teeth, get Cameron's backpack ready, get all shoes on, & leave. Call me SuperMom.

During the day, I constantly wonder what Cameron is doing. Everyone has told me it'll get old & you'll get over him being in school but I probably won't. After that, I clean the whole house & try to get atleast a load or two of laundry done.. I HATE laundry. It's not so much washing it, it's lugging it all the way upstairs, folding it all, & putting it all away.. Just for the boys (including my husband) to wreck their draws. I'm sure other mothers & even wives without kids can't relate to that! Lol.

I make Ethan lunch plus his snacks & Landen is constantly eating also, so while trying to get them fed by 12/1 PM, I'm already worried about what we are going to have for dinner. Half the time I don't even feel like cooking. But, as a wife & mother that's one of my many jobs. After that, Landen goes down for his nap & I let Ethan go into his room and let him play some 'Minecraft' (he loves that game & for being 3 years old, he's pretty good), then I finally get to relax on my nice comfy bed, wishing I could nap. One of these days I will bribe Ethan into taking a nap with me, lol.

Finally, 4:00 PM rolls around & I'm waiting on Henry to get home, I get Landen changed and by 4:35 PM, we are on our way to Cameron's bus stop to pick him up. We get back home around 4:55 PM (sometimes the bus driver is early), and it's time to make dinner. We eat, give the boys a bath, brush their teeth, lay Ethan & Landen down for bed, & I finally get to relax with Cameron. We talk about his day & what he did. We watch some tv & he'll play on the iPad for a bit, then it's my favorite time BEDTIME!!

I'm sure I rambled on in this post but that's okay. I'm a mother and my days are constantly scrambled. Again, I'm sure you can relate! What are your days like lately? Whether if your a SAHM or a working mom.. How do you juggle all your tasks?!

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